Technology and engineering
Technical instructions
Operating instructions
Maintenance instructions
Safety data sheets
Technical documentation
Specification sheets


Professional translations by specialist translators

You require a professional translation of your technical text? We translate your documents from German into the desired target language or from the foreign language into German. For the translation of your technical text Webalingua works exclusively with trained translators who have specialised in the field of technology. Send us your enquiry via our enquiry form or via email to and we will shortly be in touch with a quote. This service is of course without obligation and free of charge for you.

Companies of the technology and engineering sector normally maintain international relations and also offer their products abroad. This is why there is a particularly high demand of translations in this area. No matter whether it concerns technical operating instructions, manuals or other technical texts - a qualified translation helps the end user assemble his furniture or start his electronic device but is also important in terms of safety. You need to guarantee for example that no accidents happen while operating a machine just because the instructions were not translated correctly. It is therefore of vital importance that the translator of technical texts not only masters the two languages concerned but also has profound knowledge of precisely your technical field. For the translator can only translate the text correctly when he understands the technical background.

Terminology and quality management

Webalingua translators use the latest software and a CAT tool that allows saving translated segments in order to use them again for further translations. This guarantees consistent and time-efficient translations and bears considerable cost savings for you. It also guarantees that always the same and correct terminology is used for all your translations and that your texts are consistent in the foreign language as well.

Do you have any questions concerning the translation of your technical text?

Please contact us via email or call us 0221/29832881. We will be happy to help you!

About us

The Cologne-based translation agency Webalingua has German and international private and business customers. We offer professional translations, interpreting and other language services. Our clients rely on our personal and competent service – see for yourself and send us your enquiry. We exclusively work with translators who hold a degree in translation, translate into their native language and have specialised in the required subject areas. This guarantees the high quality of the services we provide.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Enquiry form
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