Hotels & restaurants

Hotels & Restaurant industry

Professional translations by specialist translators

You require a professional translation of your documents for the hotel and restaurant industry? We translate your documents from German into any language and from any language into German. Feel free to send us your enquiry and we’ll shortly be in touch with an individual quote and guarantee that our experts will make sure your international guests enjoy their stay with you. Simply use our enquiry form or send an email to

We translate for you among others:

-    Marketing material -    Menus
-    Broschures -    Information on ingredients and allergenes
-    Leaflets and flyers -    Website texts
-    General information -    Press releases


Good translations are of special importance in hotels and in the catering trade - your international guests want to feel at home and don’t want to miss any amenities due to possibly existing language barriers. In the field of catering we translate for you menus, notes on allergens and ingredients and many more. You can thus be sure that your international guests understand what they order - and will be all the more satisfied.
In the field of hotels we will be glad to translate your information documents, notes on safety and tips for excursions and we also offer the translation of your marketing and website texts. We work with specialised native speakers who are experienced in translating texts for hotels and the restaurant industry and who guarantee that your foreign-language texts are correct and especially appealing. No matter which and how many languages you require, even extensive translation projects with several target languages are safe with us.

Enquiry form

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