Economics & finance

Economics & Finance

Professional translations by specialist translators

Professional translations by specialist translators
You require the translation of a text from the field of economics or finance? We translate your annual reports, balance sheets, business correspondence or newsletters from German into all foreign languages and vice versa. Send us your enquiry via our enquiry form or via email. We’ll get back to you with a tailor-made quote shortly.

We translate for you among others:

-    Market reports -    Balance sheets
-    Annual and business reports -    Stock exchange documents
-    Market analyses -    Finance newsletters
-    Business correspondence -    and many more

When establishing business relations to international companies a professional presentation of your company is essential. It is therefore particularly important to have your economic and finance texts translated by expert translators who have specialised in precisely this subject area. The translator has to master the target language like a native speaker and also requires profound knowledge of the special subject. This is how we guarantee that your business report, balance sheet, market analysis or business correspondence with international partners is translated into the desired language with utmost elaborateness.

Terminology and quality management

Webalingua translators use the latest software and a CAT tool that allows saving translated segments in order to use them again for further translations. This guarantees consistent and time-efficient translations and bears considerable cost savings for you. It also guarantees that always the same and correct terminology is used for all your translations and that your texts are consistent in the foreign language as well.
You require a quotation for the translation of your technical text? Send us your enquiry via the enquiry form or via email to

Enquiry form

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